Unreleased WWF LJN Wrestling Superstars Sgt. Slaughter
In 1987, Hasbro released a Wrestling Superstars-inspired Sgt. Slaughter figure as a mailaway. It, seen alongside LJNs in the advertisement below, is commonly considered "part" of the LJN Wrestling Superstars line—even though it's certainly not.
What most don’t know, however, is that Sgt. Slaughter was slated for the very first set of LJNs in 1984. Courtesy of Matt Cardona, see the prototype on the left, alongside the released version of Hasbro Sgt. Slaughter.
Release Date: Unreleased
Release Country: United States
Manufacturer: Undetermined
Manufacturing Country: China
Line: Wrestling Superstars
Series: Unreleased Figures & Prototypes
Exclusive Retailer:
Limited Edition: