Our Sources
Wrestling Figure Database would not be where it is today if it weren't for collaboration with others who share our passion for this type of scholarly cataloging and research. During our research we routinely consulted the following sources, in addition to a slew of US, Mexican, and Japanese wrestling figure collectors across the globe.
Everyone has been selfless with their time and resources, and we thank you. To those we forgot, we thank you too.
Where possible we have attempted to secure permission to use images on the site. This has not always been possible given the complexities of image sharing. If you see an image of yours that you do not want used, contact us and it will be removed immediately.
Additional thanks to Adventures in Collecting Podcast, Pulling Up a Chair, and The Fig Cave Podcast.
Social Media
Additional thanks to Aaron Craig, Dougie Noneya, Eamon Mulligan, Henry Villalobos, Julien Robert, justagirlwholoveswrestling, Kaz, Matt Cardona, Mike Cruz, MrBigFigs, Roy Lucier, Shaun Pickett, and wwf_ljn_eht_nj.
Additional thanks to Lulu-Berlu and NOWHOME Preservation Museum.
eBay Sellers
Additional thanks to Lucha District, Badger Fist Collectibles, darf091, DenimDudeVintage, El Chopo MX, Heart.Sol.2013, longviewindustries, Organized Chaos LLC, and Plastic Dreams Toys.