Collection: Epic Toys [f.k.a. Chella Toys] Uncensored Collection, Wrestle Dudez & Wrestling Megastars

In this collection you'll find Chella Toys, Epic Toys, and FC Toys Wrestling Megastars. In 2020 Chella Toys began producing Hasbro-style Wrestling Megastars, including exclusives for Figure Collections and Wrestling Trader. In early 2022 communication from the company all but ceased. In late 2022 the company was acquired by Wrestling Trader, who initially continued releasing figures with Chella Toys branding. Simultaneously FC (Figure Collections) Toys was established and some Wrestling Megastars, despite being part of existing Chella Toys series, were picked up and released with only FC Toys branding. Then in 2023, Wrestling Trader announced it would be rebranding Chella Toys as Epic Toys. They're all combined here until a clearer delineation is established.



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92 products